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(be)longing: a process in progress, Curious: 9pm Thursday 15 June

Posts: 43

I enjoyed the fact that this performance presented the process of developing a project, I'm very much aware of the tension between "process" & "product" driven participatory projects and in my own work I continually evaluate who the the work is for - participants / myself / funding bodies / wider audience - of course its always a mixture of all of these, though I always come back to thinking if i'm working with marginalised groups then I don't have a right to exploit them for my own aims or monetary gain unless its on a level playing field.

This performance reminded me that the value of participants contributions cannot be measured in terms of a final product, but purely in terms of what they get out of the process (which individuals can only define for themselves).

Anybody else see this performance? thoughts?


><> Tom [artist/programmer/designer]
><> www.theanthillsocial.co.uk

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