First of all, walk out of Mile End tube. You are facing north.
Outside the tube
This is what you should see if you look west, to the left.
Looking west from tube
Cross the street to this building.
Accross the street from tube
Turn to your left, you are facing west.
West towards Mile End
Get to this corner.
Corner before Green Bridge
If you look to your right, to the north, you should see this.
Looking north before crossing
Cross this big road towards the west, towards the suspended yellow bridge. It's called the "Green Bridge".
Crossing towards Green Bridge
Once you've crossed the road, if you look to your right, to the north, you should see this. There are bus stops in the distance. Don't go towards them. Continue towards the west.
Looking north before Green Bridge
Walk past the "Green Bridge".
Green Bridge
Walk past this church.
Walk past this pub, the New Globe.
The New Globe
Walk over the little bridge. This bus stop is on the bridge.
Bus stop on Canal Bridge
The bridge goes over this canal.
Looking north over Canal Bridge
Walk past Queen Mary's east gate.
Eastgate, looking West
If you look north, to your right, you should see the student village.
Walk past the Arts building.
Arts Building
Walk past the School of Law.
School of Law
You should be near the Queen Mary library.
Near QM Library, looking West
You can see its service entrance if you look to your right, to the north.
Near QM Library, looking North
Walk past Barclay's bank.
Near Barclay's, looking North
In this direction, straightforward to the West.
Near Barclay's, looking West
Here's the Queen's building.
Queen's building
PSi 12 is inside.
Queen's building, close