Mad Chicks is about women psychiatric patients and survivors of the psychiatric system, who are sick of being treated like crap and generally sidelined. It is put together by women who work as part of Mad Pride, a user-led mental health civil rights movement, committed to ending discrimination against psychiatric patients, promoting survivor equality and celebrating mad culture.
In accord with the idea of MADNESS as ANTI-CAPITALIST protest, Mad Pride stages outfits who deliver performance REALITY and onstage ACTUALITY rather than biz reputation and commodified boredom (and laptops).
Mad Pride is the first great civil rights movement of the 21st Century. Sick of discrimination, prejudice, media witch-hunts, marginalisation, war games, medication, and generally being treated like shit, mental patients have risen from the psychiatric ghetto to shout "It's Blairite capitalism that brings us down!" and "What's so great about being `normal' anyway?".