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re-starting the conversation


thanks tom for setting up this space.

I set September 1st as a starting point for re-focusing on the library and its future development. I hope this is a meeting that we can have over the next few weeks although some things would be good to solve in the next few days.

Main things to think about are:
1. how to catalog the actual material we have stored at Queen Mary
2. how to make stronger links between those materials and the website

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Call for reporters!


I've seen many inspiring projects and performances over the duration of this conference and would love to discover what others have seen - don't be shy! add to this website & leave a comment, message or report on events that others may have missed.

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Events programme


PSi #12: Performing Rights focuses on questions of performance and human rights and is composed of two distinct but related programmes: a Conference and a series of Manifestations, the full programme can be found on the below (all links take you to the site):

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