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Concerns over human rights and performance often find themselves located at the intersection of state and individual expressions of agency, authority and action. These junctures are themselves made yet more problematic still by conflicting notions expressed variously by states and individuals of art as both public and/or private practice. In June 2004, the 10th Performance Studies international (PSi) conference Perform: State: Interrogate: was held in Singapore. Along with a regional roundtable held in preparation for the conference in Penang, Malaysia, in 2003, PSi#10 represented an opportunity to assess the distinctive ways in which ideas and analysis intersect with cultural performances and artistic practices in the East Asian region. That this would be an on-going project was inevitable, and two years on, the conveners and co-ordinators of that conference, are hosting another regional-level event in Kuala Lumpur 9th-11th June which is itself intended to feed into this year’s PSi#12 conference Performing Rights. PSi#12 Performing Rights will engage similar and related questions and will see the dialogue and discussions begun at Panic Buttons brought to the attention of a wider audience meeting in London, June 15-18, 2006

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